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Mizuba Tea Co. on "The Natural" Podcast by Schmidt's!

June 07, 2018

We Tried Wellness Podcast

We are huge fans of anything promoting a clean, natural lifestyle, so you could imagine how amped we were when the whizzes behind Schmidt's Naturals invited Mizuba to be a guest speaker on their podcast: We Tried Wellness.


Podcast summary: 
Episode 3: Lauren Danson of Mizuba Tea Co. + We Tried Oil Pulling

Lauren Danson has always loved tea (she used to hold tea parties in her dorm room, so now we’re wishing we did the same). As a purveyor of fine Japanese green tea — more specifically, matcha through Mizuba Tea Co. — Lauren indulges hosts Alison McClaran and Jillian Engel in the magical world of matcha. They investigate what makes quality matcha and the delicious ways to drink it. Later, Alison and Jillian put oil pulling to the test and find out if the benefits are really there.

Listen to the full post about what makes authentic matcha tea straight from Japan and the ways we love to enjoy it here! 


Listen to We Tried Wellness


Articles and podcasts from The Natural should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions about your health, please consult a medical professional.

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