Announcing Mizuba's Heritage Japanese Loose Leaf Teas

November 18, 2019

Organic Japanese Green Tea

We care about celebrating Japan's artisanal tea heritage. 


Mizuba Loose Leaf Tea


Welcome to the Mizuba Tea Co. loose leaf collection! True — we've been solely focused on being one of America's premier matcha companies for years. But, as you can imagine... exceptional quality matcha wasn't the only kind of tea we were drinking in Japan on our travels...! As life-long tea nerds, beautifully crafted teas of all kinds just get us EXCITED. 


So, while we've been bringing home special, exquisite loose-leaf Japanese teas for ourselves over the past few years, we've long since wanted to share these treasures with our wider friends & community — you! 


Each tea we carefully curate, from our starting 7 teas to Mizuba teas of the future, honors the hard work and devotion it takes to craft small-batch teas of excellent caliber & flavor. You can truly savor the care in each cup, and that is a leading factor that determines which teas we include. 


Mizuba Loose Leaf Tea


As your trusted source of Japan's finest traditional teas, we are dedicated to direct-trade sourcing that is grounded in friendships with our tea suppliers. Together, we pursue purity of leaf, high-quality flavor, and the beauty in each cup of tea that you enjoy with us. 


We're so privileged and excited to finally share these teas with you. 


Here is a rundown of our first catalog! 


  1. Tencha
  2. Gyokuro
  3. Sencha
  4. Kamairicha
  5. Genmaicha
  6. Kyo-bancha
  7. Chamomile Houjicha


Can't wait to cheers to you all with these teas! We hope you are just as excited as we are.


Learn About the Mizuba Loose Leaf Tea Collection

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