Mizuba Organic Houjicha Waffle Recipe

September 15, 2021

Hojicha Waffle Recipe

Hettie’s Houjicha Waffles

For me, no morning is complete without a waffle. And if I’m prioritizing waffles over a cup of tea, you best believe I’m still going to bring my houjicha along for the waffle ride. This waffle is nutty, not too sweet and a happy way to start the day.





3/4 cup white whole wheat flour
1/4 cup buckwheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 Tbs coconut sugar 
1Tbs Mizuba Organic Houjicha Powder
1 cup milk of choice
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 egg, separated




Preheat your waffle iron to medium/high heat for crispier waffle results.


Combine all dry ingredients together in a large bowl.


Separate your egg yolk and white into two bowls. Add your milk and coconut oil to the egg yolk, whisking until combined.


Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, gently folding the batter together with a spatula. Careful to not overmix. 


With the help of a mixer or a trusty whisk, beat your egg white until stiff peaks form.


Carefully fold the egg white into the waffle batter. Be sure to leave some streaks of white through the batter.


Pour the batter onto your hot waffle iron and cook according to the manufacturer's directions.


Enjoy immediately with the waffle toppings of your dreams. Strawberry compote and homemade whipped cream always make a dream team.



Shop Mizuba organic houjicha powder

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