Our Interview with Ground Up

June 16, 2020

Matcha Latte Nut Butter by Mizuba + Ground Up

We are so happy to collaborate with the wonderful ladies at Ground Up for our brand-new Matcha Latte Nut Butter! Their mission (beyond making delicious nut butter) is to employ and give opportunities to women overcoming adversity. We took a moment to ask them three quick questions.


Mizuba Matcha Latte Nut Butter


Tell us about how you came to use nut butter to #SPREADGOOD as a social mission?


Ground Up:
Great question! And the answer really lies in the two of us combining our passions and visions.


Ground Up began in 2016 when Julie had recently returned from Uganda, where she had been overseeing an employment training program for 150 women overcoming poverty. When she returned back to her hometown of Portland, she soon recognized the need for a similar program at home. She wanted to implement a job skills training program for women transitioning out of homelessness, however, she needed a product.


Meanwhile, Carolyn had been perfecting recipes for delicious sugar-free, peanut-free nut butters (which she developed due to dietary constraints because she couldn’t enjoy others on the market). We met through work (shout-out to Sseko Designs, where we were both employed), and soon realized that our passions could be combined to create a business centered around social impact.


What are you nuts about today? 


Ground Up:
You mean, besides our new and delicious Matcha Latte Nut Butter?!


Oh gosh, that feels like a big question right now! On a serious level, we’re both deeply committed to the fight for racial equality, and I would say we’re spending most of our spare time reading, learning and supporting the BLM movement. (Also, just a note that if you didn’t know, 10% of sales from our Matcha nut butter will be donated to Equitable Giving Circle!!)


On a lighter note, we are both really getting into home gardening for the first time! So it’s been fun to share tips and learn more about growing your own food. Fresh strawberries are the BEST!


What’s your fav way to enjoy the Matcha Latte Nut Butter?


Ground Up:
Um, if we’re being honest, by the spoonful! Ha, but for other inspo: Carolyn loves it best stirred into oatmeal or slathered on toast. Julie’s favorite is simply just with a piece of apple or banana! But this flavor is also delicious made into banana “nice cream”, combined in a fruit smoothie, or as a topping for a yogurt bowl!


 Ground Up Interview


Shop Matcha Latte Nut Butter by Ground Up

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