By Mizuba BFF:
We sat down with one of our fav food bloggers, Candice of Proportional Plate and was so inspired by all her fun Chanukah recipes! Her love and enthusiasm for matcha made for a beautiful collaboration between cultures for a modern take on chocolate gelt! Break out the dreidels - this is going to be so good! Recipe below.
Here are some of Candice's reflective thoughts for this holiday season:
1) What is your favorite thing about baking with matcha?
Aside from the incredible pop of green color it brings to everything, I love how I can transform all of my favorites into something special and different. I take my basic recipes for pancakes, cookies, waffles, cakes, and pastries to whole other world by adding just a little bit of matcha.
2) Do you have any favorite Hanukkah traditions?
As with many Jewish traditions, my favorite Chanukah traditions are centered around gathering with loved ones and food. Anything fried is fair game - latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (jam-filled donuts) always make it on the list. This year, I'm planning on filling some sufganiyot with matcha custard!
3) How do you take time for a #matchamoment with family & friends during the holidays?
Holidays are all about sharing time with loved ones. I find myself writing notes & cards, sending appreciation texts, and making more phone calls this time of year. Many of my closest friends live in other cities, so I make sure to plan video chat tea dates to share some extra love.
See Candice's holiday gift guide for the 2018 season!
Words and photos by the lovely @ProportionalPlate!
Dark chocolate gelt & matcha mousse sandwiches are a trendy twist on a Chanukah classic. Happy Chanukah!

Even if you aren’t playing dreidel this Chanukah, these cookies will add something special to your Chanukah table.

Want straight edges on your gelt? Then, get a chocolate disc mold. Mine is 1/12″ deep, and the circles are 1.25″ in diameter. Don’t let equipment stop you, I usually make the gelt in the muffin tins! See directions below.
Dark Chocolate Gelt & Matcha Mousse Sandwiches
Matcha Mousse
- 1.75 oz. white chocolate chopped
- 4.5 oz. cold heavy cream
- 1 large egg white
- 10 grams sugar
- 1 tbsp organic Mizuba culinary matcha powder
Dark Chocolate Gelt
- 7 oz. 72-85% dark chocolate chopped
- coconut oil spray or avocado oil spray
Matcha Mousse
Put a medium to large bowl in the freezer.
Heat the chocolate in a large bowl over a bain marie. Stir until melted. Remove from heat, stir in the matcha powder, and set aside.
Take the bowl out of the freezer. Beat the cream until soft peaks form. Set aside.
Whip the egg whites to soft peaks. Gradually add the sugar and whip until firm.
Using a whisk, fold the egg whites into the chocolate. When almost completely incorporated, fold in the whipped cream.
Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour.
Dark Chocolate Gelt
Heat the chocolate in a large bowl over a bain marie. Stir until melted. Remove from heat.
Spray your muffin tin with the coconut (or avocado) oil spray. If using a large muffin tin, add 2 tsp of the chocolate to each well. If using a mini muffin tin, add 1 tsp of chocolate to each well. If you want straight sides on your gelt, use a chocolate mold. Refrigerate for minimum 30 minutes.
Dark Chocolate Gelt & Matcha Mousse Sandwiches
Add your mousse to a piping bag OR get a mini ice cream scoop OR use a spoon.
Remove your gelt from the muffin tin gently with an offset spatula. If using a chocolate mold, make sure the gelt is not sticking to the parchment paper before piping.
Pipe mousse to half of your gelt, and top each with another piece of gelt. Refrigerate until ready to serve!
SHORTCUT: Want these chocolates but don’t want all the work? Then buy some gelt, and make the matcha mousse filling. You can dip the gelt, serve them as a garnish, or sandwich them!
Click here to shop my favorite matcha! I use the culinary grade matcha in this recipe. I use culinary grade matcha for baking and lattes. If you’re just getting into matcha, then I recommend the daily matcha. If you’re looking for something special, then try the Yorokobi.
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